> Bank / Records / View a bank's transaction activity

Bank Record Activity

This shows all of the transactions that have been posted to this bank account.

Find out more about how to enter information in:

Account Details Bank Details Contact Activity Memo Revaluations

To filter the transactions which appear, from the Show drop-down list, choose the criteria you require. The following information appears in the Activity:


The audit trail number automatically assigned to each transaction.


The following transaction types may appear:

  • BR = Bank Receipt
  • BP = Bank Payment
  • CP = Cash Payment - cash accounts only
  • CR = Cash Receipt - cash accounts only
  • JD = Journal Debit
  • JC = Journal Credit
  • SR = Sales Receipt
  • SP = Sales Payment
  • SD = Discount on Sales Receipt
  • SA = Sales Receipt on Account
  • PP = Purchase Payment
  • PR = Purchase Receipt
  • PD = Discount on Purchase Payment
  • PA = Purchase Payment on Account
  • VP = Credit Card Payment - credit card accounts only
  • VR = Credit Card Receipt - credit card accounts only


The customer or supplier account reference.

This is blank if the transaction is not associated with a customer or supplier, for example, a bank payment.


The date for the transaction.


The reference on the transaction.


The details on the transaction

Debit or Credit

This is the debit or credit value of the transaction.


This indicates if transaction has been reconciled.

  • R = Reconciled.
  • N = Not reconciled.
  • - = Does not require reconciliation. This only appears if you select the No Bank Reconciliation box on the Account Details tab.

Date R

If the transaction has been reconciled, the bank reconciliation date appears. If the transaction has not been reconciled, this is blank.


Cash Register accounts only

This indicates if a transaction has been deposited with the bank.

  • Y = Deposited transaction.
  • N = A transaction which has not been deposited.

Date D

Cash Register accounts only

If the transaction has been deposited, the date of bank deposit appears. If the transaction has not been deposited, this column is left blank.

Sage Pay Ref

If you use Sage Pay for the transaction, the Sage Pay reference appears.

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